Friday, August 15, 2014

Update on Lambs for Sale

Since it finally stopped raining, I was able to get some nice shots of some of my lambs. More ram lamb photos will be in a separate post. All of my sheep are registered Icelandic Sheep from parasite resistant and heat tolerant breeding. Milkiness is part of my breeding program, too.

These two are twin ewe and ram lambs: Twill on left and Marvel on right. Marvel was the bottle lamb who has now surpassed his sister in size. They are both halter trained and very friendly. They were born the end of April. Their fleeces are SO soft. They are $400.00 each.



These are twin ewe lambs. On the left is Wiress and Clove is on the right. They were born the first week of April. Both are halter trained and quite friendly. The fleeces on both of these girls are long and soft!
They are $500.00 each.



There are discounts if you buy two or more at a time.
Contact me if you have any questions.